Sister Lyle and I would love to welcome all of you to Shakespeare this semester. We are very excited to dive into Julius Caesar with all of you. In the whirl that has been the last few weeks, we would like to give you an idea of the daily course schedule. We understand that you need a small break after engaging in the study of our founding fathers however,
Here is a synopsis of the course study for a typical day. This is very specific and all of the games, plan and purposes are specified for us in the mentor manual. Everyone should already have a student manual and a Cliff's complete of Julius Caesar.
Typical Day:
15 minutes: Gathering Activity – Drama Warm Ups actor training.
These are very specific and outlined for us in the mentor manual.
15 minutes: Lecture: Intro to Shakespeare Topics like Shakespeare’s life, poetic language, iambic pentameter, prose vs verse, couplets, imagery, soliloquies, mythology, Asides, Quibbles and Banters.
15 minutes: Reading Discussion: Over the previous week’s assignment
15 minutes: Vocabulary assignment for next week:
Share vocab. discussion from previous week
15 minutes: Writing Topic for the next week
15 minutes: Student Presentations: ie. Elizabethan Life, ruling class, mysticism, Food and dining customs, death, burial and ghosts, Clothing, Weapons, The Four Humors, Religion, superstition 26 topic suggestions are given
Each student can sign up for a date and make one of these.
15 minutes: Ten step pass-offs -
We are so frantically busy getting all of this stuff in and the excitement level and enthusiasm is so strong that there is not much time for peripheral socialization on side topics, but the youth will build relationships and it is that positive direction and skill building that builds confidence and engenders leadership skills.